Cairns Convention Centre – Lend Lease
Installation of photo luminescent glow in the dark stair nosing for carpet stairs that are fully compliant with Australian Standard at the Cairns Convention Centre.
Glow in the dark safety solutions for stair nosing
Staircare SC19 and SC19B stair nosing with photo-luminescent glow in the dark strip have been designed to form part of a building way guidance system for compliance with the requirements of NCC2016 EP 4.1 Visibility in an Emergency.
The SC19 and SC19B stair nosing offer visual contrast and slip protection during normal operations with photo-luminescent strip providing visibility in an emergency when lighting systems fail.
The photo-luminescent is embedded into the base aluminium profile forming an integral protective recess. Anti-slip inserts dovetail into the SC19 and SC19B base, set back a maximum of 15mm from the front of the nosing to fully comply with this specific requirement of AS1428.1-2009, 11.1 Stair construction item (f).
The luminous strip is made of acrylic material, Alkaline – Earth Aluminate and Silicate which are activated by Rare Earth Elements. Its features include: High luminance, long lasting time in luminance and it is weather proof. The product is Non-Toxic, Non-Radioactive and has stable chemical properties.
To speak to Staircare Stair Nosing about any product or projects you are interested in, please give us a call on +61 (02) 9939 3838 or complete our quick enquiry form.
Installation of photo luminescent glow in the dark stair nosing for carpet stairs that are fully compliant with Australian Standard at the Cairns Convention Centre.
Our professional Staircare Stair Nosing consultants are available to provide an obligation free quotation and can answer any queries or concerns.
Staircare FRP products for industrial applications is now handled through a separate division and website. Please visit the site via the link for all product information, enquiry or sales assistance.